Retinal Vascular Disease Specialist

Mile High Retina: Mark E. Patron, MD

Board Certified Ophthalmologist & Retina Surgeon located in Denver, Colorado

Retinal vascular disease is common among diabetics and those with hypertension. If you have a condition that predisposes you to vascular disease, or if you experience a sudden change in your vision, schedule an assessment with board-certified ophthalmologist and retina surgeon Mark E. Patron, MD. At the Mile High Retina office located in Denver, Colorado, Dr. Patron uses state-of-the-art imaging to skillfully diagnose retinal vascular disease. He also treats retinal vascular disease in all its forms to protect your eyesight and eye health. Call the office to schedule today.

Retinal Vascular Disease Q & A

What is retinal vascular disease?

Retinal vascular disease is a group of diseases affecting the veins and arteries in your eyes. These are the blood vessels that supply and nourish your retina, the light-sensing nerve cells that send signals to help you form images. 

A serious problem in the blood vessels within your retina can affect your eyesight, potentially leading to vision loss. 

The two main categories of retinal vascular disease are retinal vein occlusion and retinal artery occlusion.

Retinal vein occlusion

Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a blockage inside one of the veins that carries blood away from your retina.

Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) occurs in the main vein in your retina, and branch retinal vein occlusion occurs when one of your smaller tributary veins becomes blocked.

Retinal artery occlusion

Retinal artery occlusion (RAO) is a blockage within an artery that delivers blood to your retina. Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) occurs in the main artery to your retina. You can also sustain a branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO) when the blockage occurs in a smaller artery. 

Retinal artery occlusion and retinal vein occlusion can be serious, with long-term consequences.

What causes retinal vascular disease?

The main cause is atherosclerosis and blood clots. You are more likely to experience retinal vascular disease if you have associated risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. Carotid artery disease is common in those with retinal artery occlusion.

What are the signs of retinal vascular disease?

Retinal vascular disease usually causes sudden vision loss in one eye. With retinal vein occlusions, the effects range from minor vision changes to dramatic vision loss. Retinal arterial occlusion often causes more serious symptoms, with significant vision loss right away.

How do you diagnose retinal vascular disease?

At Mile High Retina, Dr. Patron uses state-of-the-art equipment, including spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT), Optos ultra wide-field (UWF™) retinal imaging, and fluorescein angiography. 

These specialized tests allow Dr. Patron to diagnose retinal vascular disease as well as its complications at the earliest possible stage.

What is the treatment for retinal vascular disease?

Addressing your underlying conditions is crucial in dealing with retinal vascular disease. This may include medication changes, weight loss, lifestyle changes, exercise, and other measures. 

If you have associated eye conditions, such as macular edema, Dr. Patron may recommend treatments like an intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs, including Lucentis®, Eylea®, and Avastin®. If you have abnormal blood vessel growth, you may need similar injections or laser therapy to prevent bleeding and further complications. 

Dr. Patron can help you respond to retinal vascular disease quickly so you can avoid losing your sight. He can also help you make changes to reduce your risk dramatically. Book an appointment at Mile High Retina by phone today.

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